Stability: Elements of the Theory and Applications with Examples

Stability: Elements of the Theory and Applications with Examples

Gebundene Ausgabe, Sprache: Englisch
72,95 €
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Verlag De Gruyter
Auflage 2020
Seiten 328
Format 15,5 x 2,4 x 23,0 cm
Gewicht 590 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9788366675278
Bestell-Nr 36667527SA


This book is intended to familiarize the readers with basic concepts, and classic results of stability theory stated in a way as required by the rigorous rules of contemporary mathematics and, simultaneously, to introduce the learners to broad elds of not only the stability theory but also applications involved. The emphasis is put on various dynamical systems which are defined by different branches of science and through diverse areas of human activity but always with care not to exceed the basic classical approach in the presentation. All in all, the authors plan to combine the textbook-like with encyclopaedia-like content. Another special goal of the authors is to attract the reader's attention to those aspects of theories whose incomplete understanding may lead to inaccuracies or errors. Sometimes, anyway just as designed, the offered information is limited to the pure statements of facts without any proofs. The reader should consult the references to find out missing piec es of information.

This book also makes use of numerical (computer) computations. Most of the material contained in the book has already been published, a large part in various works of the authors. Fragments of several chapters come from published works of other authors - some excerpts, particularly relating to basic concepts, and some classic results are taken from outside sources.

The book is offered as a textbook for the college-level students or as an aid to the PhD students interested in practical problems of the stability theory. The prerequisites are not demanding - the basic knowledge of calculus, complex functions, and linear algebra which are covered in the suitable, elementary courses is required.

The first two chapters include what is typically covered in most introductory courses for students. The first chapter contains definitions of various types of stability; the second commences classic stability theorems rega rding ordinary differential equations, but the most basic, applicable in technical sciences. The linear equations are treated more broadly, which creates a foundation for the linear approximation of differential equations in the stability research.

Chapter three deals with integral inequalities and their application to the stability studies. Integral inequalities, both linear and nonlinear, are effectively applied in the development of the direct Lyapunov method when the boundedness and stability of motion of nonlinear weakly coupled systems are studied.

Chapter four is predominantly dedicated to the Lyapunov direct method. Still, some attention is also paid to the method of limiting equations because it can be used to study motion stability even in hopeless cases when other methods fail. The issue of constructing of the Lyapunov function is a key element in applications of the direct method, and this chapter provides several methods of construc ting the function. In the end, a string of examples illustrating the use of the Lyapunov direct method is posted. Chapter five contains a detailed presentation of the comparison method and its use in the stability research. This method, being is essential part of the qualitative theory of equations, is particularly central in studies of largescale systems. In the method, some differential inequalities and Lyapunov functions allow nonlinear transformations of the original system to an equation (a system or a matrix system) of a lower dimension.

The idea of delimiting and estimating so-called stability domains is developed in chapter six, where also a qualitative comparison of different stability procedures is made. The evaluation of the efficiency of various methods is conducted by applying, in each case, the same vector norm as a measure of the distance between solutions - no surprise the Lyapunov direct method wins the competition. The contrast between various m ethod results

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