Optical Methods and Physics of Colloidal Dispersions

Optical Methods and Physics of Colloidal Dispersions

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag Steinkopff
Auflage 2013
Seiten 202
Format 21 x 1,1 x 27,9 cm
Gewicht 530 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
Reihe Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science 104
ISBN-10 3662157020
EAN 9783662157022
Bestell-Nr 66215702A


This volume contains the proceedings of the "International Workshop on Optical Methods and the Physics of Colloidal Dispersions", held in memory of Prof. Dr. Klaus Schätzel at the end of September, 1996, in Mainz, Germany. The meeting focused on two special aspects of colloidal science, namely novel optical methods and the physics of colloidal dispersions. In particular, the contributed papers show that the increase in the quality and number of suitable model systems has significantly enhanced our knowledge of colloidal properties, structures and dynamics.


Preface.- In memoriam Klaus Schätzel.- Reviewing my time of personal cooperation with Klaus Schätzel.- Reviewing almost two decades of digital correlator development.- Hard-sphere colloidal suspensions studied by two-colour dynamic light scattering.- Dark speckle imaging of colloidal suspensions in multiple light scattering media.- Depolarized forward light scattering from anisotropic particles.- Assessment of the depletion forces in mixtures of a latex and a non-adsorbing polymer by turbidimetry.- Hard spheres versus Yukawa particles: Differences and similarities.- Multi-speckle autocorrelation spectroscopy - a new strategy to monitor ultraslow dynamics in dense and nonergodic media.- Single-mode DLS: colloids in opaque porous media.- Quantitative real-space analysis of colloidal structures and dynamics with confocal scanning light microscopy.- Spinodal decomposition of colloids in the intermediate stage.- Very low-angle static light scattering from steady-state and time-dependen t nonequilibrium fluctuations.- Freezing in confined suspensions.- Investigation of shear-induced structures in lyotropic mesophases by scattering experiments.- Comparison of Bragg and SALS studies of crystallization in suspensions of hard spheres.- Effective interaction potential obtained from experimental structure factors: The inverse problem.- The use of reflectometry for the study of swelling of latex particles at a silica surface.- Measurement of particle diffusion coefficients with high accuracy by dynamic light scattering.- Photon correlation spectroscopy for analysis of low concentration submicrometer samples.- Approaching the limits of multiple scattering decorrelation: 3D light-scattering apparatus utilising semiconductor lasers.- Suppression of multiple scattered light by photon cross-correlation in a 3D experiment.- Coherent backscattering of light in multiple scattering media.- Polyorganosiloxane-microgels as probes for forced Rayleigh scattering.- Collective and sel f diffusion of PS microgels in solution as observed by thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering.- Properties of TiO2 hydrosols synthesized by hydrolysis of titanium tetraethoxide.- Experimental study of fractal aggregation by static and dynamic light scattering.- Single cluster light scattering and photon correlation spectroscopy: Two powerful techniques for monitoring cluster aggregation.- Experimental evidence regarding the influence of surface charge on the bridging flocculation mechanism.- Colloidal stability - investigations by single-particle scattering photometer.- The micelle-to-vesicle transition as observed by time-resolved scattering experiments.- Droplet microemulsions: Determination of the bending elastic constants by photon correlation spectroscopy.- A hard sphere microemulsion.- Unusual phase behaviour from peculiar pair potentials: A density-functional-perturbation study.- DWS behaviour in gelling systems: Preliminary comparison with rheological measurements ov er sol-gel transition in latex-doped gelatin.- Phase transitions in nonadditive hard disc systems: a Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo Study.- Diffusion of colloids at short times.- Phase transitions in magnetic fluids.- Cell theory for the phase diagram of hard spherocylinders.- Structures of spherical particles dispersed in density matched media under oscillatory shear.- Is there scaling of the intermediate scattering function without hydrodynamic interactions? Brownian rods on a 1d-ring.- Static and dynamic light scattering from the nematic wetting layer in an Isotropic liquid crystal.- Film formation of latex dispersions observed with evanescent dynamic light scattering.- Direct observation of a buckling transition during the formation of thin colloidal crystals.- Microemulsions: Phase transitions and their dynamics.

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