The Hooktionary

The Hooktionary - A crochet dictionary of 150 modern tapestry crochet motifs

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
22,20 €
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Verlag David & Charles
Auflage 2023
Seiten 144
Format 22,0 x 0,4 x 29,0 cm
Gewicht 610 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781446309575
Bestell-Nr 44630957UA


Includes a section on how to fix your tapestry crochet mistakes so that they cannot be detected.
The first and only crochet stitch dictionary to feature tapestry crochet motifs. With bold, graphic designs, the 150 motifs in this book are perfect for the modern maker. Plus, five projects allow you to mix and match motifs into one-of-a-kind designs that reflect your own tastes. There is also advice on choosing stitches and fixing mistakes.


Create bold, modern and fun tapestry crochet designs with this unique crochet stitch dictionary!One of the most important tools in any crocheter's toolbox is a stitch dictionary - an essential reference packed with possibilities. The Hooktionary is the first and only crochet stitch dictionary to feature tapestry crochet motifs. And it has personality to boot! From unicorns and bumblebees to bold, graphic designs, the 150 motifs this book includes are perfect for the modern maker. Plus, five 'choose your own adventure' projects allow you to mix and match motifs into one-of-a-kind designs that reflect your own tastes.Inspired by Andrea Rangel's Alterknit Stitch Dictionary, Brenda K.B. Anderson has created a crochet counterpart so that crocheters can join in the fun too. Unlike other tapestry crochet pattern collections, which focus on single crochet stitches - creating slanted color patterns which do not create clean lines - Anderson has used her experience of which kinds of crochet stitches pair well with tapestry crochet to create beautiful, clear patterns, and wearable fabrics.Swatches are made in one of five different crochet stitch patterns: single crochet through the back loop, center (or split) single crochet, extended single crochet, center (or split) extended single crochet, and front post double crochet, with information about how the crochet stitch anatomy affects both the drape and feel of the fabric and also the look of the charted image, so that you can imagine how a chart would look in another stitch pattern. All the designs are crocheted in the round, so that you can keep the front of the work facing you, and for those projects that need an opening, a steek is made - a technique that has not been covered in any other crochet book! There is also comprehensive advice on choosing stitches and fixing mistakes.


There are so few books about crochet colorwork-especially compared to knitting. This has always surprised me, since it is such a beautiful craft and there are so many different styles and variations! Perhaps it is because there are so many different approaches, and things to consider that making a book specifically for crocheters has become a daunting task. Whatever the reason, I've fallen in love with crochet colorwork and as anyone who has ever been in love knows... I just want to talk about my new love. All. The. Time. And what better audience than fellow crocheters?It is true that you can use knitting color charts to crochet from-in fact, this book began as a sort-of sister book to Andrea Rangel's Alterknit Stitch Dictionary book. Her knitting stitch dictionary was inspirational to me, and it made me want to create an equivalent just for crocheters. I had tried out many of her knitted swatches in my crochet. But in order to have a successful colorwork project you will need mor e than just a great chart. You will need to understand crochet stitch anatomy: how the type of stitch that you use affects both the appearance of the colorwork, and the drape of the fabric (this makes a huge difference!) and how to make choices about gauge (tension), floats (or no floats), and yarn type to create a project that you will be proud of. My goal in writing this book is to take the guesswork out of crochet colorwork so that you can be confident when creating something new. I hope that you find inspiration in my stitch motifs, as I did in Andrea's. I absolutely cannot wait to see what you do with them!

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