Anthony Caro

Anthony Caro

Gebundene Ausgabe, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag Phaidon
Auflage 2014
Seiten 464
Format 22,1 x 29,0 x 0,4 cm
Gewicht 2230 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9780714867359
Bestell-Nr 71486735EA


A comprehensive monograph on the pioneering artist Anthony Caro. Anthony Caro played a pivotal role in the development of twentieth century sculpture. After studying sculpture at the Royal Academy Schools in London, he worked as assistant to Henry Moore. He came to public attention with a show at the Whitechapel Gallery in 1963, where he exhibited large abstract sculptures brightly painted and standing directly on the ground so that they engaged the spectator on a one-to-one basis. This was a radical departure from the way sculpture had hitherto been seen and paved the way for future developments in three-dimensional art.

Regarded as the greatest British artist of his generation and represented in museum collections all over the world, Anthony Caro revolutionized sculpture in the 1960s, by taking the radical step of removing the plinth and placing his work directly on the ground not only changed our relationship with the artwork, but the direction of sculpture itself. This beautifully designed book includes a comprehensive survey of Caro's work over a period of more than half a century ranging from his time as Henry Moore's assistant in the early 1950s right up until his death in 2013. More than fifty of his masterworks are each examined in detail through never before published archival installation images and comments by the artist from the time of production or exhibition. Furthermore, a collection of specially commissioned new documentary photographs by Toby Glanville capture the processes behind the sculptor s work, from conception to production to installation and exhibition in major exhibitions and installations. A collection of short texts by leading contemporary artists, including Anish Kapoor, Richard Deacon, Rachel Whiteread and Antony Gormley demonstrate the influence of Caro's work, and a series of key essays by renowned critics and art historians, such as Clement Greenberg and Michael Fried, provide an unparalleled overview of his caree r and complete this intimate celebration of the artist.


A comprehensive monograph on the pioneering artist Anthony Caro.

Regarded as the greatest British artist of his generation and represented in museum collections all over the world, Anthony Caro revolutionized sculpture in the 1960s, by taking the radical step of removing the plinth and placing his work directly on the ground not only changed our relationship with the artwork, but the direction of sculpture itself.

This beautifully designed book includes a comprehensive survey of Caro's work over a period of more than half a century - ranging from his time as Henry Moore's assistant in the early 1950s right up until his death in 2013.

More than fifty of his masterworks are each examined in detail through never before published archival installation images and comments by the artist from the time of production or exhibition. Furthermore, a collection of specially commissioned new documentary photographs by Toby Glanville capture the processes behind the sculptor's work, from conception to production to installation and exhibition in major exhibitions and installations.

A collection of short texts by leading contemporary artists, including Antony Gormley, Liz Larner, Joel Shapiro, Simon Starling, Frank Stella, Rebecca Warren and Richard Wentworth demonstrate the influence of Caro's work, and a series of key essays by renowned critics and art historians, such as Clement Greenberg and Michael Fried, provide an unparalleled overview of his career and complete this intimate celebration of the artist.

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