The Culture Puzzle

The Culture Puzzle - Harnessing the Forces That Drive Your Organization's Success

Gebundene Ausgabe, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Auflage 2021
Seiten 240
Format 15,7 x 23,6 x 2,1 cm
Gewicht 446 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781523091829
Bestell-Nr 52309182UA


Corporate culture is critical to any organizational change effort. This book offers a proven model for identifying and leveraging the essential elements of any culture.

In a world that changes at a dizzying pace, what can leaders do to build flexible and adaptive workplaces that inspire people to achieve extraordinary results? According to the authors, the answer lies in recognizing and aligning the elusive forces or the puzzling pieces that shape an organization s culture.

With a combined seventy-five years worth of research, teaching, and consulting experience, Mario Moussa, Derek Newberry, and Greg Urban bring a wealth of knowledge to creating nimble organizations. Globally recognized business anthropologists and management experts, they explain how to access the full power of your culture by harnessing the Four Forces that drive it:

Vision: Embrace a common purpose that illuminates shared aspirations and plans.
Interest: Foster a deep commitm ent to authentic relationships and your organization s future.
Habit: Establish routines and rituals that reinforce the way we do things around here.
Innovation: Promote the constant tinkering that produces surprising new solutions to old problems.

Filled with case studies, personal anecdotes, and solid, practical advice, this book includes a four-part Evaluator to help you build resilient organizations and teams. The Culture Puzzle offers the definitive playbook for thriving amid constant transformation.


Anthropologists specialize in culture, but for too long their expertise has been largely out of reach for leaders and managers. Not anymore. This is a stimulating, sensible guide to understanding and improving the values and norms of your workplace.
Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of THINK AGAIN and host of the TED podcast WorkLife

A must-read for leaders who want to understand how their organization actually works and why. The Culture Puzzle explains, in an upbeat, entertaining way, why an organization chart can never capture the organic nature of the teams that are so important to us and how we can leverage the life inside them.
General Stanley McChrystal, founder and CEO, McChrystal Group

One of the least appreciated but most valued facets of organizational life is the collective mindset that we share and nurture in the workplace. We inherit a culture when we arrive, and we all become responsible for renewing it once there. The Culture Puzzle provides a compelling road map for doing so.
Michael Useem, Professor of Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and author of The Leadership Moment and The Edge

This is an admirably clear, engaging, and well-written book that shows why no business leader, or would-be leader, can afford to ignore the slippery issue of culture or what is sitting below your nose. It takes the reader on a lively journey from ancient Egypt to modern companies such as Warby Parker and shows, in a practical way, how to read your own institutional culture for good and bad and make it work more effectively.
Gillian Tett, Chair of the Editorial Board, Financial Times, and author of The Silo Effect

JetBlue has been successful largely because of its solution to the culture puzzle. To help your organization discover its own answer, follow the advice provided in this immensely practical and wonderfully engaging book.
Mike Barger, founding member o f JetBlue Airways and Assistant Clinical Professor of Business Administration, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan

To thrive in a time of social, environmental, and market upheaval, we need great culture builders people who inspire others to live the company s values, not just talk about them. Through riveting storytelling and insight into human motivation, this book will help you to build a culture that will support people and your business to soar to new heights.
Annie McKee, bestselling coauthor of Primal Leadership and author of How to Be Happy at Work

A thorough, highly engaging, and superbly written exploration of organizational culture. Kirkus Reviews

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