Find Your Soul Path

Find Your Soul Path - Discover the Magical Life Within

Gebundene Ausgabe, Sprache: Englisch
22,00 €
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Verlag David & Charles
Auflage 2023
Seiten 144
Format 17,8 x 1,8 x 25,0 cm
Gewicht 630 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9781446310021
Bestell-Nr 44631002UA


Includes tools, practices and techniques to help you fall in love with your authentic self and create the life you've always dreamed of.
A heart-centred lifestyle guide to following your soul's purpose and living authentically from a practising eclectic witch and life coach.


Find your Soul Path seamlessly blends spirituality with self-help as it seeks to give the reader the tools to begin to live in a more conscious way. Author and eclectic witch Emma Griffin shows the reader how to discover their soul-purpose and move through the world in a way that starts from a place of purpose and authenticity and allows that to radiate out. Starting in the home, all areas of life are explored, with mindfulness, intuition, and empowerment leading the way. A fantastic introduction to developing a spiritual practice, Find your Soul Path is a gentle exploration of the most easily accessible aspects of witchcraft presented - alongside genuinely helpful life advice - in a way that will appeal to those interested in new age spirituality and the role it can play in modern life.Written with the busy modern woman in mind, ideas and tips for practical ways to find moments of peace and connection are included that are easy to fit into everyday life, such as creating a mornin g ritual, a bath ritual and journaling prompts. Author Emma Griffin shares her wisdom and sage advice, gained over a lifetime of seeking deep connection with nature and the soul, for moving through the challenges of the modern world in an empowered way that celebrates the divine feminine.With a focus on connecting to the true self, Find Your Soul Path presents the ancient wisdom of womanhood to a new generation of witches and the spiritually curious, with easily followed rituals for celebrating the sabbats of the Wheel of the Year and practical journaling exercises that help the reader to dive deep on their quest for personal peace and enlightenment.A beginner's guide, this is a book for the open-minded reader who is interested in getting in touch with their more spiritual side, and exploring how they can use their intuition to lead a life that feels more authentic and full of intention.


In September 2020, my mother passed away in my arms at home. The grief and heartbreak re-opened me to something which had been calling me my entire life. I began to meditate every day as it served as the best medicine to help me through that time. Losing both of your parents so close to each other really is something I can't put into words.Finally, I surrendered to the path the Universe was guiding me towards and quit my full-time job as an editorial photographer and jumped fully into The Sacred Space as a witch, a channeller and mystical mentor. My intention was to guide women to intuitively heal their emotions by learning how to connect to their heart space, to listen to and navigate their emotions from the soul; to connect with their body, their own energy field, to receive guidance, discern fear from intuition and use the power of intention to manifest their dream life; guiding others to reconnect to their inner wisdom and to make peace with the past.Writing this book is how I can share with others everything that I have learnt to live a soul-based life. I want your lives to transform as mine did. Within this book I share tools, practices and techniques to help you fall madly in love with your true self, to connect to your authentic self and create the life you've been dreaming about - with the added help of a little magic!

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