Technologies of the Human Corpse

Technologies of the Human Corpse

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag MIT Press
Auflage 2021
Seiten 272
Format 13 x 19,6 x 1,8 cm
Gewicht 290 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
EAN 9780262542319
Bestell-Nr 26254231EA


One of our greatest thinkers on death presents a radical new approach to thinking about dying and the human corpse (Caitlin Doughty, mortician and bestselling author of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes).

A fascinating exploration of the relationship between technology and the human corpse throughout history from 19th-century embalming machines to 21st-century death-prevention technologies.

Death and the dead body have never been more alive in the public imagination not least because of current debates over modern medical technology that is deployed, it seems, expressly to keep human bodies from dying, blurring the boundary between alive and dead. In this book, John Troyer examines the relationship of the dead body with technology, both material and conceptual: the physical machines, political concepts, and sovereign institutions that humans use to classify, organize, repurpose, and transform the human corpse. Doing so, he asks readers to think about death, dying, and dead bodies in radically different ways.

Troyer explains, for example, how technologies of the nineteenth century including embalming and photography, created our image of a dead body as quasi-atemporal, existing outside biological limits formerly enforced by decomposition. He describes the Happy Death Movement of the 1970s; the politics of HIV/AIDS corpse and the productive potential of the dead body; the provocations of the Body Worlds exhibits and their use of preserved dead bodies; the black market in human body parts; and the transformation of historic technologies of the human corpse into death prevention technologies. The consequences of total control over death and the dead body, Troyer argues, are not liberation but the abandonment of Homo sapiens as a concept and a species. In this unique work, Troyer forces us to consider the increasing overlap between politics, dying, and the dead body in both general and specifically personal terms.


Chapter 1: Embalmed Vision
Chapter 2: The Happy Death Movement
Chapter 3: The HIV/AIDS Corpse
Chapter 4: Plastinating Taxonomies
Chapter 5: The Global Trade in Death, Dying and Human Body Parts
Chapter 6: Biopolitics, Thanatopolitics, and Necropolitics
Chapter 7: Patenting Death
Coda: Planning for Death
The Last Page
Works Cited and Consulted
List of Figures


"Troyer's acclaimed book, Technologies of the Human Corpse, takes stock of the evolution of the value and significance of the dead human body"
NPR's All Things Considered

"Troyer is one of our greatest thinkers on the ways technology and capitalism continue to transform the idea of the human corpse."
Caitlin Doughty, mortician and bestselling author of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

"Troyer shows us how death can breathe new life into technology studies! Insightful, intimate, and often touching, Technologies of the Human Corpse provides a roomy critique of the matter and meaning of human mortality."
Philip Olson, Associate Professor of STS, Virginia Tech

"With masterly skill and compassion, Troyer moves effortlessly between the interconnected worlds of personal loss and professional death studies. He examines the post war history, life and value of the corpse and leaves us musing about our own life, death, and that critical threshold that lies between."
Professor Dame Sue Black, author of All That Remains: A Life in Death

"This book is at once a theoretical study of the birth of the modern corpse and a very personal story of death and loss. By its very structure, it demonstrates how real death no matter how professionally familiar punctures our attempts to control or rationalize it. A brave, important, and very human work by a major thinker in death studies."
Joanna Ebenstein, Founder and Creative Director, Morbid Anatomy

"Troyer's argument for more transparency and regulation of corpses sits alongside his deeply moving account of his sister's death, making his book both personal and poignant."
Candi K. Cann, Associate Professor, Baylor University

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