The Order

The Order - A Novel

Taschenbuch, Sprache: Englisch
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Verlag HarperCollins US
Auflage 2020
Seiten 464
Format 15,2 x 22,8 x 3,1 cm
Trade PB
Gewicht 554 g
Artikeltyp Englisches Buch
Reihe Gabriel Allon 20
ISBN-10 0062835319
EAN 9780062835314
Bestell-Nr 06283531EA


#1 New York Times Bestseller - #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller

From Daniel Silva, the internationally acclaimed #1 New York Times bestselling author, comes a riveting new thriller featuring art restorer and legendary spy Gabriel Allon.

It was nearly one a.m. by the time he crawled into bed. Chiara was reading a novel, oblivious to the television, which was muted. On the screen was a live shot of St. Peter's Basilica. Gabriel raised the volume and learned that an old friend had died ...

Gabriel Allon has slipped quietly into Venice for a much-needed holiday with his wife and two young children. But when Pope Paul VII dies suddenly, Gabriel is summoned to Rome by the Holy Father's loyal private secretary, Archbishop Luigi Donati. A billion Catholic faithful have been told that the pope died of a heart attack. Donati, however, has two good reasons to suspect his master was murdered. The Swiss Guard who was standing watch outside the papal apartments the n ight of the pope's death is missing. So, too, is the letter the Holy Father was writing during the final hours of his life. A letter that was addressed to Gabriel.

While researching in the Vatican Secret Archives, I came upon a most remarkable book ...

The book is a long-suppressed gospel that calls into question the accuracy of the New Testament's depiction of one of the most portentous events in human history. For that reason alone, the Order of St. Helena will stop at nothing to keep it out of Gabriel's hands. A shadowy Catholic society with ties to the European far right, the Order is plotting to seize control of the papacy. And it is only the beginning.

As the cardinals gather in Rome for the start of the conclave, Gabriel sets out on a desperate search for proof of the Order's conspiracy, and for a long-lost gospel with the power to put an end to two thousand years of murderous hatred. His quest will take him from the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, to a monastery in Assisi, to the hidden depths of the Secret Archives, and finally to the Sistine Chapel, where he will witness an event no outsider has ever before seen-the sacred passing of the Keys of St. Peter to a newly elected pope.

Swiftly paced and elegantly rendered, The Order will hold readers spellbound, from its opening passages to its breathtaking final twist of plot. It is a novel of friendship and faith in a perilous and uncertain world. And it is still more proof that Daniel Silva is his generation's finest writer of suspense and international intrigue.


"Can't put it down. Won't put it down. I'm fully captured and enthralled by Daniel Silva's The Order." - Bob Woodward

"Part international espionage thriller and part head-scratching whodunit, this Allon adventure is a spy story that's as clever as it is action-packed. It's also absolutely loaded with intensively researched background on the fascinating history of Biblical scripture. With a mystery that spans centuries and a conspiracy that could destabilize half the world, The Order is like Jason Bourne meets The Da Vinci Code." - Apple Books

"A refreshingly hopeful thriller for troubled times... Silva's latest broad-canvas thriller starring the much-loved Gabriel Allon will quickly take its reserved seat atop most best-seller lists." - Booklist, starred review

"Relevant and compelling.... Engaging and deftly paced, another thoughtfully entertaining summer read from Silva." - Kirkus, starred review

"Timely, fast-paced, and impossible to put down, Th e Order makes one thing absolutely clear . . . if you're not reading Daniel Silva, you're missing out on one of the greatest, most prolific novelists the genre has ever known."
- The Real Book Spy

"Pulse-pounding.... [Silva] proves to be a master weaver of tales of international espionage and assassinations. One cannot help but marvel at his uncanny prescient knowledge of events unfolding today and those of tomorrow." - The Times of Israel

"Silva's Gabriel Allon novels are always smart thrillers, mixing history and fiction, somewhere between John LeCarre and Ian Fleming." - Valdosta Daily Times

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